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Age in place at home. It's where you want to be.           AIPatHome.com          Universal Design            Technology       Home Modifications     AIP Products & Services           AIPatHome.com

We are a window into the world of possibilities for people who are searching for aging in place ideas, products, services, information and reassurance that will help them, or their loved ones, live confidently at home for as long as possible. Enjoy our site and please join our mailing list.

AIPatHome.com is dedicated to helping people better age-in-place and live independently by showing the benefits of using universally designed housing & products, telecare technologies, and other assistive products that can make life easier at home.

Green Mountain Ranch Kitchen Counter-splash with garden

Universal Design

Explore homes and furnishings.

Barrier free in-law suite bedroom area with privacy-shoji-doors.

Home Modifications

Transform your home so it works for every body.

Tech Center

Incorporating technology into your home.


Helping you make your home livable, longer, through technology and universal design.

How You Doin’?

Even the most technophobic of people quickly adapt and appreciate the videophone calls. Like my mother. A seventy-ahem-cough-cough computer illiterate with a “what do I need this for” attitude was able (with some phone coaching) to download and install the software, hook up a webcam, and start calling in less than a half an hour.

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computers and tablets with internet connection

Successful aging — computers and the internet

Successful aging is not an oxymoron. First the textbook definition (from “The Realities of Aging, Kinsey/Kart): “aging in which external factors either have a neutral role or counteract the effects of internal aging processes, resulting in little or no decrements in functioning.” Whew. What does that mean?

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Are You Your Parents’ Tech Support?

Have you ever spent an hour (or two or three) on the phone functioning as your parents (or grandparents, or fill-in-the-blank) IT department? And you all feel like screaming – some cases actually screaming — out of frustration? You, because you know it’s only a couple of clicks and problem solved. Them, because “you said it was easy – only a couple of clicks and problems solved! What do I need this computer for anyway?”

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Age in place at home. It's where you want to be.