Kevin Doughty
Dr. Doughty is a widely experienced consultant in telecare and currently advising CUHTEC on this topic as its Deputy Director. Originally a physicist and electrical engineer by origin, he became interested in medical electronics. Via a research and then a lecturing career in sensor technologies and telecommunications, he established his own company Technology in Healthcare to enable direct and practical application of expertise to the running of a residential care home. As former Director of Telehealth for Tunstall Group he now works with them to enable leading edge research to guide the design of telecare products. |
Richard Duncan |
Mr. Duncan, Executive Director RL Mace Universal Design Institute, has spent nearly 25 years in the field of architectural and product accessibility and universal design in residential, public, and transportation environments. He has extensive experience in the design, costs, materials, and products in residential and nonresidential settings. His work includes the subjects of affordable housing and home and repair financing and transportation accessibility as well as community design for constituencies that include people with disabilities and aging households. |
Adam Fine |
Adam Fine is the founder and president of Accessible Design & Consulting, Inc. The company was first started in 1999 in Sausalito, CA and is now based in Los Angeles, California. Accessible Design specializes in residential & commercial accessibility assessment, ADA consulting, and Accessible project management. Accessible Design & Consulting also provides a full range of homecare & mobility products including vehicle lifts, ramps, elevators, stairlifts, scooters & power chairs. Accessible Design & Consulting is one of the leading companies in the country specializing in this line of work. |
Drue Lawlor |
Principal, Education-Works, a professional development seminar group which develops, produces and delivers continuing education seminars for the design professional. |
Charles Lowe |
NeAT Programme Director, Newham Advanced Telecare, London Borough of Newham |
Mary Jo Peterson |
Universal Design and Aging in Place Expert. She is also Principal of Mary Jo Peterson, Inc. a design studio and consulting firm with specialized expertise in kitchen, bath, and universal/accessible design. |
John Piazza, Sr. |
Owner, Piazza Construction Inc., John founded SICBA, a building trade association; past president of the Building Industry Association of Washington; member of CAPS and PATH; and is on the Executive Committee of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). |
James J. Pirkl, FIDSA |
Professor emeritus of industrial design and former senior research fellow at Syracuse University’s Gerontology Center. Described as a “key figure in universal design” by the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum, he heads Transgenerational Design Matters, a research, education, and consulting organization that promotes, supports, and inspires the design of consumer products and environments that accommodate people of all ages and abilities. |
Robin Raskin |
Robin Raskin has spent the past 30 years exploring what it means to be living in digital times. An author, editor, magazine publisher, blogger, TV and radio personality, and consultant, Raskin says she’s never met a media she doesn’t like, and is happiest when she’s writing about kids, seniors or women and technology. Raskin is the former editor of PC Magazine and Editor in Chief of FamilyPC. She’s been a columnist for USA Today Online and has authored 6 books about parenting in the digital age. Her latest book is The Parents’ Guide to College Life. (Random House 2006). Today, you can find her work on Yahoo! where she covered Boomer technology, DiscoverCard’s online magazine, and at |
Eliot Sefrin |
Editorial Director and Publisher of Kitchen & Bath Design News the leading business, design and product resource for the kitchen & bath trade. |
Shoshana Shamberg |
President of Abilities OT Services and Seminars, Inc. Ms. Shamberg has over 30 years experience as an educator, therapist and professional trainer. She has presented over 150 international continuing education training seminars on a variety of topics related to independent living services for people with disabilities and aging adults. She has degrees in both occupational therapy and special education with a specialization in assistive technology and environmental modifications. She is a certified Brain Gym Instructor and an Irlen Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome Screener. She specializes in educational programming for students with severe disabilities and people of all ages with learning differences. |
William Slease |
Owner/Manager Tapestry Custom Homes, LLC. A second-generation homebuilder Bill was a U.S. Navy officer during the Viet Nam era, later earned an M.B.A. in finance and was a banker specializing in commercial real estate transactions. In the early ’90s he formed his own real estate firm focused on brokerage, land development, and residential construction. Tapestry has an ongoing commitment to elevate Universal Design concepts in the homebuilding industry. |
Louis Tenenbaum |
Independent Living Strategist and the nation’s leading authority on aging-in-place. He has years of experience helping individual families, builders/developers and communities set the stage for folks to remain safe and comfortable in their own homes. |